Simple, yet powerful, task management

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Why task manegement?

mess when tasks are not organized

Using task management in your work or free time can really simplify your life!

don't multitask, you can't

The todomodo method is really no different from a simple task management process

The "todomodo" method

Task inception

First activity is to identify tasks ...

inception of idea

You identify an idea or task that needs to be handled

write it down

Write it down!

To keep it off your mind

Working on tasks

Second activity concerns working on tasks ...

Try to keep these two activities separate!

select a task to work on

Select a task
- Focus on a single task at a time

If the task is too large or complex:
Try split the task in parts
(possibly as a separate project)

work on the task

Work on the task

If you identify another task just write it down

task is complete

Complete the task

Celebrate the accomplishment!

check off the task

Check off the task

If you feel productive
- repeat the process ...

Working should be as simple (and gratifying) as taking one simple task at a time!

Task organization

It is often useful to organize tasks in separate projects. It could be ...

projects folder
  • Work related like "Graphic design for customer site"
  • Goal oriented "Get into shape for the summer"
  • Pleasure like "Books I must read"
  • Unstructured or not (yet) well defined "Various ideas"
  • For basic task management a single task list may be sufficient "Things to do"

Task organization often get out often hand. It's almost always better to complete an important task than getting caught up in re-organizing tasks.

Remove tasks or projects as soon as they become irrelevant to keep the task list (and mind) clean and manageable.

Using Pen & Paper

Pen & paper may a good alternative for task management.

write it down
  • Pen & paper is quick and efficient
  • Projects are managed effectively on separate sheets of paper
  • Complex relations between tasks can often be expressed through lines and arrows

But, pen & paper is poor in some areas.

  • Tasks are not accessible from everywhere
  • Its difficult to share or delegate tasks
  • Rich content like links and images are not well supported
  • Paper may be lost

A good task management system should be at least as simple and powerful as pen & paper. Pen & paper may still be used to complement task management systems.

So what about todomodo?

todomodo is a web based task manager with just enough power to keep it super simple.

It only have two basic views:

The projects list view showing all projects ...

screenshot over list of projects

And the project specific view showing all tasks for a project ...

screenshot of how simple it is to add a task